hiiii it’s lydia and nicole !

just two girls from west mi who met in kindergarten & hated eachother & then we became bestfriends in 1st grade & have been besties ever since awww. we balance each other well & that’s why we decided to create wut da hek in 2020 ! we originally hand-stitched the sweatshirts ! here we are a couple years later and we decided to follow a dream & live in hawai’i for a summer and then wut da hek got started again!

basically we’re two girls in our 20s who love to travel & not take life to seriously. neither of us have really taken the typical path after we graduated high school & honestly that’s the goal for the rest of our lives.

the vision for this company is to get rid of a lame lifestyle get rid of conformity & get rid of being a boring human. make people ask you wut da hek.